Redefining India - the Collaborative Way
NGO INDIA Redefined (IR) www.indiaredefined.org Extending for GLOBE Redefined- A Collaborative Approach of 1500000 (15 Lakh supporters becoming Anti Corruption movement ) Corporate(for CSR) , 600+ NGOs Partners, Technology Providers, Experts, Implementation Partners, Students,Project Professionals, Research Organizations .
Best Humanitarian Initiative Award winner in 2009 - NGO INDIA Redefined is one Stop Solution for CSR & Social Development with presence in all States . Invitation for Global Leaders, Organizations, Citizens, Ngos, Students ,Experts, Technology providers,implementation partners , Corporate to come onboard with NGO INDIA Redefined (IR), extending for GLOBE Redefined under the aegis of Safed Trust (12A, 80G, CSR Registration), has evolved like a Citizens Empowerment Movement during the last 14 years, bringing together over 1500000 (15 lakhs) supporters and a host of experts and implementation partners in various social development verticals spread over all states of India. Join as Doers, CSR Partners, Coordinators, Media Partners ,Volunteers or Funding Partners . Students can do internship. INDIA Redefined started, during the Phase I from 2009, by engaging Common People - making them “Doers”.Phase II consisted of partnering with a wide variety of grassroots NGOs through our ‘Third Sector Partnership’ and conducting numerous social activities and initiatives with them . During this period IR developed the capability as a mother NGO to guide, advice and ensure operationalization of projects in various verticals these NGOs were working on. These verticals (not limited to) are broadly stated as below – 1. Clean India - Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Waste Management, Air, Water, Soil Pollution etc. 2. Educate India - Primary, Secondary, Adult education, Skill Development, Digital Education, Teacher's Training etc. 3. Green India - Environment, Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Bio Diversity, Eco farming, Forestation etc. 4. Healthy India - mHealth, Telemedicine, Rural Health Care, Emergency Response Training & Support and other health related areas etc. Now during our Phase III, we are initiating Citizens Corporate Collective Responsibility by engaging with corporate bodies and helping them with their CSR activities by bringing in theright NGOs who can carry out desired projects (or customized activity) in specific areas under IR Experts Panel’s guidance. INDIA Redefined would be happy to associate with you in making your CSR programs more diverse, vibrant and effective.
Our Citizens Movement started in other countries too.
ContactTeam INDIA Redefined
Redefining India - the Collaborative Way
INDIA Redefined Experts panel can be Knowledge Partner too for CSR Activities and for NGOs too.We look forward to engage and partner with corporates (and their foundations) for the program design and implementation of their CSR initiatives. Contact us on csr.engagement@indiaredefined.org
INDIA Redefined is not just an organization but a movement which began in 2009 and has emerged
as a Common United Platform (CUP) of Collective Responsibility which endeavors to create a HAPPY INDIA by creating a
collaborative model for Citizens, Corporates, NGO’s and Government which are the four pillars of a nation.
INDIA Redefined Vision, Mission:
Create an India of tomorrow which is
• Awakened, informed and educated
• Clean, green and sustainable
• Healthy, prosperous and happy
Empower citizens of India by bringing about a behavioral change in the masses towards discharging their
Responsibilities and exercising their Rights, which are:
• Constitutional
• Social
• Societal
आओ बनाएं जागृत भारत
जागृत भारत का मतलब हमें सिर्फ अपने अधिकारों की बात न करके अपने कर्तव्यों के प्रति भी जागरूक होना होगा। अब तक कर्तव्यों की बात को लेकर कोई भी आन्दोलन नहीं हुए हैं, जो भी हुए सिर्फ अधिकारों को लेकर हुए हैं, क्यों की अधिकारों की बात करना ज्यादा सरल है। भ्रस्टाचार को हम अपने अच्छे कार्यों से हीं ख़त्म कर सकते हैं। इसके लिए INDIA Redefined www.indiaredefined.org के जरिये सभी को एक मंच पर एकत्रित किया जा रहा है। यदि हम सब नागरिक, कोरपोरेट, एनजीओ और अन्य संगठन अपने कर्तव्यों को समय पैर और पुरे ईमानदारी से पूरा करें तो देश को सशक्त बना सकते हैं। हम अपने कर्मों से हीं आगे बढ़ सकते हैं किसी नेता के सहारे नहीं। अन्ना हज़ारे जैसे कुछ एक नेताओं ने अपने देश को जगाने और एकत्र करने का महत्वपूर्ण कार्य किया। यदि इनके चाहने वाले भी उन्हीं की तरह काम करें तो किसी नेता की ज़रुरत नहीं। हमें किसी तरह के नेताओं पर आश्रित ना होकर स्वयं पहल करते हुए भ्रष्टाचार मुक्त राष्ट्र बनाना होगा।
INDIA Redefined's message
Best Humanitarian Initiative 2009 award winner, INDIA Redefined (IR) is now entering the second stage of its evolution to become a major performing movement after conducting several programs successfully in last four years to create the "Unified Diversity" of the subcontinent known as INDIA into "Diversified Unity" of a HAPPY INDIA.INDIA Redefined’s vision is created by an amalgamation of Different visions.
Common people till now have only come together if they are against something; e.g, All Independence movements, Movements against corruption. They have never come on one platform to work positively for country and then empowering themselves.Too few leaders, like Anna, have first built their credibility by doing their duties. And even the followers of such leaders have yet to do their duty towards country, society and community at large. Hence the moral authority of such movements does not last long and is dependent on the leader's karma.


Awaken INDIA : By Bringing about Awareness, Education & Communication
- Clean INDIA : Of Pollution, Corruption, Unhygienic conditions, Dirty Environment, Contaminated Water & Soil (anything requiring cleansing)
Healthy INDIA : Will Result from Clean India and Dedicating specific Focus on Health Issues
Green INDIA : Result Of Clean India and using Sustainable Methods or Technology for a Greener INDIA like emission reduction and reducing effects of climate change etc.
Prosperous INDIA : The above Initiatives will naturally lead to Prosperity Across Board
- Happy INDIA - End Result of all initiatives.
Campaigns/Initiatives/Activities Areas of INDIA Redefined
- Project -“CLEAN INDIA”
- Project -“GREEN INDIA” (Environmental & Sustainability Campaigns)
- Project – “EDUCATE INDIA”
- Project – “HEALTHY INDIA”
- Mission Admission Campaign
- March for Happy India
- Interview of Rural People
- Recycling water
- Application of solar energy use in home rate
- Power saving campaigns
- Helping Victims of natural calamity affected
- Campaign ( Anti plastic, Energy Conservation, Water Purification)
- Youth campaign for Green, Clean, Peaceful and United India
- No Tobacco / No drugs/ No Alcohol Campaigns
- Campaign - AWAKEN INDIA
- C.U.R.E INDIA Campaign (Citizens United for Redefining and Empowering India) - Ek Ka Dus
- Expert Advice – from panel of experts in various fields to common citizens
- Harmony Campaign
- Campaign-Motivating the beggars to stop begging and start working
- Develop your own village
- INDIA Redefined Back Office Support
- Project - "I Care”
- Monsoon campaign in slums
- Nukkar Natak (Street Plays) to Support Satyamev Jayete
- Working for visually handicapped
- Women Empowerment
- One Woman – One Saree
- World’s Donor Campaign
- Plantation of trees
Different wings of INDIA Redefined |
- INDIA Redefined Public Policy and Administration Advisory Committee (PPAAC) For Indian Administrative Service and Experts in Public Policy and Administration
- INDIA Redefined Citizen’ s Legal Advisory Forum- For Judges, Lawyers and other legal professionals
- INDIA Redefined Citizen Safety Forum - For Indian Police service, Defence (Army, Navy, Air force) and Para-military Personnel and Security Experts
- INDIA Redefined Health and Hygiene Action Group - For Doctors and Public Health Professionals.
Be part of Anti corruption Movement of ngo www.indiaredefined.org
INDIA Redefined which is becoming like a pressure group at many places extending towards Globe Redefined with 1300000 ( 13 lakh ) supporters,
450 ngo partners, experts ,technology providers,implementation partners
all over India and many other countries too with innovative projects for social sector & with csr funding
implement in any statehttps://t.co/X0iWiDPPOp
NGO INDIA Redefined (IR), extending for GLOBE Redefined under the aegis of Safed Trust (12A, 80G, CSR Registration), has evolved like One Stop Solution for CSR or any Social Development Sector during the last 13 years,
bringing together over 1300000 (13 lakhs) supporters,460 NGO Partners, a host of experts,Technology Providers , Project Professionals ,Research Organization's,
Implementation Partners in various social development verticals spread over all states of India.
We can provide CSR (Or any Social Sector) Projects on following verticals (not limited to) which are broadly stated as
1. Clean India - Water, Sanitation & Hygiene (WASH), Waste Management, Air, Water, Soil Pollution etc.
2.. Educate India - Primary, Secondary, Adult education, Skill Development, Digital Education, Teacher's Training etc.
3. Green India - Environment, Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Bio Diversity, Eco farming, Forestation etc.
4.Healthy India - mHealth, Telemedicine, Rural Health Care, Emergency Response Training & Support and other health related areas etc.
We can carry out desired projects (or customized activity) in specific areas under IR Experts Panel’s guidance.
INDIA Redefined would be happy to associate with you in making your CSR programs more diverse, vibrant and effective.
Ranjana Kanti (Founder) INDIA Redefined contact
Be part of Anti corruption Movement of ngo www.indiaredefined.org INDIA Redefined which is becoming like a pressure group at many places extending towards Globe Redefined with 1300000(13 lakh) supporters, 450 ngo partners, experts, technology providers, implementation partners all over India and many other countries too with innovative projects for social sector & with csr funding implement in any state. https://t.co/X0iWiDPPOp
