Citizens Partnership
Donate Your Time
Apply for City/ state/ Village Coordinator of ngo INDIA Redefined on mail it is unpaid job. You have to do activities on your own by generating resources . Basic work profile is given on website. But according to your capabilities and vision you have to write what work you can do for one year.INDIA Redefined extending towards Globe Redefined with 1300000 ( 13 lakh ) supporters,450 ngo partners, experts ,technology providers,implementation partners
all over India and many other countries too with innovative projects for social sector & with csr funding implement in any state.
As volunteer of ngo INDIA Redefined - You have to actually do some social work activity like teaching poors or cleaning dirty area or plantation etc putting INDIA Redefined poster or banner at the back-send pics .See details of activities on,Initiatives,ActivitiesAreasofINDIARedefined.pdfor you can make your own social activity of your own choice.Poster Banner designs are given on which you can download and get it printed or draw on chart paper and put while doing activities ..Or you can request for Poster Banner design on Take pics promote on social media and send on this mail. This will be contribution for our Citizens anti corruption movement which is acting like pressure group at many places .INDIA Redefined extending towards Globe Redefined with 1300000 ( 13 lakh ) supporters,450 ngo partners, experts ,technology providers,implementation partners
all over India and many other countries too with innovative projects for social sector & with csr funding implement in any state.
For ISR (Individual Social Responsibility) Take banner design from Download button on website take a printout and do some social activity of your choice or from our list of activities from website by involving local people and send photos with banner at back on
If you want to lead "Educate India, Clean India, Green India, Healthy India Campaigns" of INDIA Redefined given on website or if you are interested in becoming Campaign Coordinator or State Coordinator or City
Coordinator /Village Coordinator / Wings Coordinator or Youth Coordinator or NRI coordinator then please see work Profiles of Coordinators/ Steps to be taken by Doer Leaders and send CV and photo on & write which area or Campaign you want to lead?
Since INDIA Redefined is a Citizens Empowerment Movement & Non Profit Organization so all these are voluntary jobs . No salary or money will be given for above mentioned participation.