












"INDIA Redefined" Stakeholders - the Citizens of India

Best Humanitarian Initiative 2009 award winner INDIA Redefined a Non Political Citizen's Empowerment Movement, started in 2009 is bringing the Fourth Sector "The Common People" working for the betterment of the Country on one platform in masses from all over India. Our Stakeholders include us - the Citizens of India. The mission is to empower citizens of India by bringing about a behavioral change in the masses towards discharging their responsibilities and exercising their rights which are constitutional, societal and social.

Anti Corruption Movement has United the Citizens &this unity has to remain to become like a pressure group forever. Too few leaders, like Anna, have first built their credibility by doing their duties. And even the followers of such leaders have yet to do their duty towards country, society and community at large. Hence the moral authority of such movements does not last long and is dependent on the leader's karma. First fulfill your duties and responsibilities, then you automatically have the moral authority to demand your rights and once it is done on a unified platform like INDIA Redefined, nobody will be able to ignore your rights.

"Don't leave governance to the people who are not our representatives, don't leave Policy to the people who do not feel they are accountable to us, and don't leave all the other problems like literacy, slums, environment etc to NGOs and social workers who struggle without Citizen's support."

Common people till now have only come together if they are against something ; e.g All Independence movements, Movements against corruption, they have never come on one platform to work positively for country and then empowering themselves.

For too long as citizens we have demanded our rights through numerous movements, always ignoring our duties. If you are willing to mentor ten semi illiterate Indians about this Anti Corruption then JOIN INDIA Redefined C.U.R.E INDIA Campaign - Citizen United for Redefining & Empowering. "Ek Ka Dus" is the first Initiative of C.U.R.E. India Campaign. Make a difference in the lives of ten underprivileged Indians and let them become your follower. 

All over world the Govt. sector, Corporate Sector, NGO Sector are working but INDIA Redefined is bringing the fourth sector i.e. Common people - Citizens working for country on one platform. That too in masses!

INDIA Redefined Pledge 

I, a common citizen of INDIA, take the pledge to Carry out my responsibilities toward the country and the society and stand for my rights.

As a member of INDIA Redefined movement I shall work within my available resources and time to awaken other citizens of India and create an Educated, Healthy, Green and Sustainable country to have a Prosperous and Happy India for ourselves and the future generations.

Please see different Pages of India Redefined different states like India Redefined Maharashtra, India Redefined Delhi NCR, India Redefined Tamil Nadu, India Redefined West Bengal and some Pages like India Redefined United Kingdom, India Redefined New Zealand, India Redefined UAE etc and Pages like India Redefined Public Policy & Administration Advisory Committee (PPAAC )- Only for Indian Administrative Service people, INDIA Redefined Citizen Safety Forum -only for Indian Police service ,Indian Army, Indian Navy & Indian Air Force People. India Redefined Research and Development wing, India Redefined Media PR wing - Only for Journalists, Reporters from TV, Print media, Radio, India Redefined Information Technology wing, India Redefined Citizen' s Legal Advisory Forum- Only for Judges and Lawyers, India Redefined 3rd Sector Partnership Program-for NGOs to become partners ,India Redefined Entrepreneur's wing, India Redefined Health and Hygiene Action Group - Only for Doctors, India Redefined Creative Wing,  India Redefined Citizen-Corporate Collective Responsibility Group(CCCRG) for Citizens to join their Individual Social Responsibility ISR to join with Corporates for their Corporate Social Responsibility CSR .  Please make more and more people join them.

First fulfill your duties and responsibilities, then you automatically have the moral authority to demand your rights and once it is done on a unified platform of INDIA Redefined, nobody will be able to ignore your rights. For too long as citizens we have demanded our rights through numerous movements, always ignoring our duties. Too few leaders, like Anna, have first built their credibility by doing their duties. And even the followers of such leaders have yet to do their duty towards country, society and community at large. Hence the moral authority of such movements does not last long and is dependent on the leader's karma. 

So let us "Ask not what country can do for us but what we can do for the country" - and this is the crux of India Redefined. 

Apply for Coordinators for India Redefined Public Policy & Administration Advisory Committee   ( PPAAC )- Only for Indian Administrative Service people, INDIA Redefined Citizen Safety Forum -only for Indian Police service ,Indian Army, Indian Navy & Indian Air Force People. India Redefined Research and Development wing, India Redefined Media PR wing - Only for Journalists, Reporters from TV, Print media, Radio, India Redefined Information Technology wing, India Redefined Citizen' s Legal Advisory Forum- Only for Judges and Lawyers,India Redefined 3rd Sector Partnership Program-for NGOs to become partners ,India Redefined Entrepreneur's wing,India Redefined Health and Hygiene Action Group - Only for Doctors, India Redefined Creative Wing,  India Redefined Citizen-Corporate Collective Responsibility Group(CCCRG) for Citizens to join their Individual Social Responsibility ISR to join with Corporates for their Corporate Social Responsibility CSR in differtent states as volunteers .

These are voluntary jobs. No Payment.If you have read the work profiles of Coordinators at after joining the movement at website, please specify the post you want to apply. Send your CV and photograph and write why you want to join INDIA Redefined Movement and what can you do under this banner with your own vision.

Join as Coordinators or Members in the following wings of INDIA Redefined.

§  India Redefined Public Policy & Administration Advisory Committee ( PPAAC )- Only for Indian Administrative Service 

§  India Redefined Research and Development wing

§  India Redefined Media PR wing - Only for Journalists, Reporters from TV, Print media, Radio

§  India Redefined Information Technology wing

§  India Redefined Citizen' s Legal Advisory Forum- Only for Judges and Lawyers

§  India Redefined 3rd Sector Partnership Program-for NGOs to become partners

§  India Redefined Entrepreneur's wing

§  INDIA Redefined Citizen Safety Forum -only for Indian Police service ,Indian Army, Indian Navy & Indian Air Force People

§  India Redefined Health and Hygiene Action Group - Only for Doctors

§  India Redefined Creative Wing

§  India Redefined Citizen-Corporate Collective Responsibility Group(CCCRG) for Citizens to join their Individual Social Responsibility ISR to join with Corporates for their Corporate Social Responsibility CSR 

On 15th August India Redefined Supporters organized some peace rallies in different states called "March for Happy India"

INDIA Redefined merchandise (Store) Buy Sweatshirt,Tshirt,Mug,Poster,Chocolate,Teddybear,Cap,Apron,Coaster,Tiffinbox,Mousepad,Sipper,SchoolBag,Keychain,PencilBox,Sticker,Canvas

India Redefined Initiatives -“I Care” ,"Educate India", "Develop your own village", "Cure India" , “Youth Campaign-Clean, Green, United, Peaceful India”, INDIA Redefined Internship Program, Leadership Program etc.

You can see interview aired in 2 parts on ETV Urdu on 19th and 26th April in the programme "Ham Badlenge Desh Badlega" 

Part 1 - (Aired on 19th April 2011) 

Part 2 - (Aired on 26th April 2011) 

Many INDIA Redefined Supporters have put their INDIA Redefined badges on their facebook and other social networking sites.Those who do not have INDIA Redefined Badge with them, Please send your photograph on, so that we can make your INDIA Redefined badge , which will be sent to you on your mail and you can put it on your facebook and other social networking sites.

Do some event under INDIA Redefined banner which can be downloaded from website.

Help in finding IT people for making INDIA Redefined Portal.

Make more and more People join this movement IR. Spread the message through media, speeches, mails etc.

Read everything on website once including One year journey, Internship, What Visionary says.

INDIA Redefined Vision, Mission, and Objective:


Create an India of tomorrow which is

• Awakened, informed and educated

• Clean, green and sustainable 

• Healthy, prosperous and happy


Empower citizens of India by bringing about a behavioral change in the masses towards discharging their Responsibilities and exercising their Rights, which are: 

• Constitutional

• Social

• Societal


• Spreading Awareness of INDIA Redefined

• Motivating and recruiting volunteers and participants in INDIA Redefined movement

• Find and appoint Leaders with expertise and interest in specific areas to take charge of the initiatives under headings of Clean India, Green India, Healthy India, Educate India 

• INDIA Redefined Chapters in each state & district 

• Create an active volunteer force of 5000 persons in each state 

• Once minimum resources are garnered, take up focused projects under broad framework of Clean India, Green India, Healthy India, Educate India.

TEAM INDIA Redefined

Ranjana Kanti

INDIA Redefined
Ph : +91 9004188844

INDIA Redefined Introduction.pdf




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